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Prostituzione e clienti innamorati

Posted: Dicembre 3rd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Spizzichi e bocconi | Tags: , , , , | Commenti disabilitati su Prostituzione e clienti innamorati

La lettera di una lavoratrice sessuale a Tits and Sass e le risposte di alcune sex worker su come gestire la relazione professionale con un cliente innamorato. Vi siete mai trovat* in situazioni simili (come sex worker o come clienti)? Che risposta avreste dato alla lettera?

Dear Tits & Sass: Overly Attached Client Edition
by suzyhooker on October 16, 2012

Dear Tits and Sass,
Last February, I met Phil off a sugar dating site. He was extremely effusive in quasi-personal affection towards me during our first meeting, to the point that I realized he was an attachment risk and considered not seeing him again. (He’d had a recent and extremely nasty divorce.) But I agreed to a monthly arrangement of x dollars/month for indefinite weekly meetings and saw him three times total. In addition to sex, he wanted an intellectual relationship.

Between our meetings, Phil frequently wrote me vaguely romantic emails, with very familiar addresses and conclusions (things like “dear love,” etc.). I am married and he knew that. Eventually he was sending me such intense emails that I concluded he actually thought he had fallen for me. The last piece of evidence for me that things had gone too far was when I went over to his house and found a picture of myself on his mantel: He had learned my real name from a careless mistake I made, found my Facebook, and got the picture from there.

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Consigli per la saluta de* sex worker

Posted: Novembre 24th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Documenti, Sesso Sicuro | Tags: , , , , , , , | Commenti disabilitati su Consigli per la saluta de* sex worker
Nella rubrica Ask a Pro di Tits And Sass Sarah Elspeth Patterson del Persist Health Project di New York suggerisce alcuni accorgimenti per mantenersi in buona salute lavorando come sex worker

Ask A Pro: Immunity Boosters
by Sarah Patterson on October 11, 2012

Ask A Pro is a our column focusing on work and health, intended to share straightforward information about what you can do to keep yourself as safe as possible while on the job. Questions will be answered by sexual health expert Sarah Patterson, M.Ed. (See full bio below.) Questions you’d like to have answered can be sent to our info (at) titsandsass address. Full anonymity is guaranteed. 

Dear Ask A Pro,
My question is: what are the best ways to avoid getting sick when working? I find that when I am seeing multiple clients in a night it is emotionally and physically exhausting and I seem to be more susceptible to picking up colds or the flu. I’m sure this is a combination of a lowered immune system from the stress and pace of working mixed with swapping fluids and germs with unknown men.

Dear Juliet,
Great question! You are correct in thinking that stress and exposure to infection can increase your chances of getting sick, but there are many things that can be done to deal with both stress and boosting your immune system. Read the rest of this entry »

Un report dalla Sex Work Open University 2011

Posted: Dicembre 8th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Documenti | Tags: , , , , | Commenti disabilitati su Un report dalla Sex Work Open University 2011

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Vi segnalo un interessante report dalla Sex Work Open University di Audacia Ray pubblicato su Tits and Sass.

I’ve been a sex worker rights activist for going on a decade now, and I’ve lived in New York all that time. My focus in the early years was very local, meaning that I was concerned with what was happening in my own life and the lives of the people I worked with and cared about. I wanted us to stay safe, get rich, and not deal with douchebag clients – you know, all the dreams a girl could have. When I got involved with $pread magazine and became an editor in 2005, I started to pay more attention to what was happening outside of my little bubble. Being responsible for the news section of the magazine meant that I started to learn more about what was happening in sex worker communities not just across the country, but also across the world.

Over the last few years, I’ve been lucky enough to be able to work more closely with sex worker rights activists globally, and I gotta say that it’s kind of blown my mind. In the fall of 2009 I spent a week in rural India, a few hours south of Mumbai, with SANGRAM and the sex workers at VAMP. We collaborated on a video about sex worker organizing in India, and it gave me immense respect for the work these activists have been doing. In India, there are sex worker unions, and hundreds of sex workers show up at events and rallies. They are loud, and they are a unified community struggling hard for their rights and getting some traction. During one conversation I had with an older woman about the differences in our activism, she said, “In America, you have everything. You have cameras. You use the internet. But you aren’t fighting the government together the way we are. You need to come together and collectivize. It’s the only way.” It really resonated with me. In a place where sex workers have to walk to one well that serves the neighborhood to get water for their huts, their community is infinitely stronger than ours, probably because there’s less obsession with individuality.

Since that fall, I’ve been seeking out other opportunities to learn more about the global situation of sex workers. This past month, I got the opportunity to go to London for Sex Worker Open University, a nearly weeklong event organized by a collective and held in the Arcola Theatre complex in Hackney. There were many sessions every day, an interesting blend of skill shares by and for sex workers, and presentations about policy and activism work. The event ran from Wednesday, October 12 through Sunday, October 16– you can see the full program here and feel envious – and on the Friday, we had an evening of conversation among activists from all over the world. Read the rest of this entry »