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Le quaranta ragioni per cui le puttane sono le mie eroine

Posted: Dicembre 22nd, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Documenti, Piccole gioie | Tags: , , , , | Commenti disabilitati su Le quaranta ragioni per cui le puttane sono le mie eroine

Le quaranta ragioni per cui le puttane sono le mie eroine – Annie Sprinkle – tradotto da Malapecora

1. Le puttane sanno condividere le parti più private e delicate del proprio corpo con perfetti sconosciuti
2. Le puttane hanno accesso a luoghi inaccessibili
3. Le puttane sfidano i costumi sessuali
4. Le puttane sono giocose
5. Le puttane sono tenaci
6. Le puttane svolgono carriere basate sul dare piacere
7. Le puttane sono creative
8. Le puttane sono avventurose ed osano vivere pericolosamente
9. Le puttane insegnano alle persone come godersela di più a letto
10. Le puttane hanno molte culture e molti generi
11. Le puttane danno eccellenti consigli e aiutano le persone a risolvere i loro problemi personali
12. Le puttane si divertono
13. Le puttane indossano vestiti eccitanti
14. Le puttane hanno pazienza e tolleranza con le persone che non sopporta nessuno
15. Le puttane rendono le persone sole meno sole
16. Le puttane sono indipendenti
17. Le puttane insegnano come fare sesso sicuro
18. Le puttane sono una tradizione
19. Le puttane sono trendy
20. Le puttane hanno un ottimo senso dell’umorismo
21. Le puttane sollevano milioni di persone da stress e tensioni indesiderate
22. Le puttane guariscono
23. Le puttane resistono di fronte ai pregiudizi più feroci
24. Le puttane fanno i soldi
25. Le puttane hanno sempre un lavoro
26. Le puttane sono sexy ed erotiche
27. Le puttane hanno un talento speciale che le altre persone semplicemente non hanno. Fare la puttana non è mica da tutti.
28. Le puttane sono persone interessanti che hanno vissuto un sacco di storie eccitanti
29. Le puttane passano molto tempo a letto
30. Le puttane aiutano le persone ad esplorare i propri desideri sessuali
31. Le puttane esplorano i propri desideri sessuali
32. Le puttane non hanno paura del sesso
33. Le puttane ci danno dentro
34. Le puttane sfavillano
35. Le puttane sono divertenti
36. Le puttane hanno il coraggio di indossare parrucche molto grandi
37. Le puttane non si vergognano di essere nude
38. Le puttane aiutano gli handicappati
39. Le puttane si autorganizzano
40. Le puttane si ribellano contro le assurde, patriarcali e bigotte leggi che minacciano la loro professione e lottano per il diritto legale a ricevere uno stipendio per il loro prezioso lavoro.

Vedi anche King Kong Bloggers

Le 40 ragioni per cui le puttane sono le mie eroine

Posted: Dicembre 2nd, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Libri e racconti, Piccole gioie | Tags: , , , , , , | Commenti disabilitati su Le 40 ragioni per cui le puttane sono le mie eroine

Dal reading King Kong Bloggers, svoltosi al csoa Askatasuna di Torino all’interno del Feminist Blog Camp il 29/10/2011.

Elisatron legge Le 40 ragioni per cui le puttane sono le mie eroine di Annie Sprinkle.
Sperimentiamo la modalità Human mic come contro-liturgia.

Via: Slavina

Annie Sprinkle – Providing Educational Opportunities for Sex Workers

Posted: Dicembre 2nd, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Documenti | Tags: , | 2 Comments »

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Annie Sprinkle ha pubblicato la sua PhD Dissertation intitolata Providing Educational Opportunities for Sex Workers sul suo sito internet.

In most industries today, workers and their employers take for granted that they will continue to learn more about their career fields. They expect to hone their skills, practice new approaches, and learn about the latest technologies and research advances. However, it is not readily apparent that sex workers have an awareness of continuing education being available for their types of work.

This dissertation researches the existing educational opportunities for sex workers and provides an overview of who offers what. Various organizations, private websites, workshops, videos, health clinics, therapists, conferences and other sources, offer education of various kinds, and for various reasons.

This dissertation then surveys 150 sex workers’ attitudes toward career-related education, their levels of interest, and exactly what they’re interested in learning. Results are tabulated by job description, level of industry experience, and age of the respondents. The overall response was highly favorable toward education. The most popular course topics (out of 28 choices) were, in order, Legal Issues, Career Enhancement, Financial Advice, Super Sex Technologies, Self Defense, and the History of Sex Work. The classes least of interest were, in order, Advanced Safer Sex Techniques, Building Self Esteem, and How to Be A Better Lover.

Next a focus group of sex workers and sex worker educators was assembled. The survey results were shared with this panel of experts who analyzed and discussed them. The group first noticed that the most popular classes were similar to those that would also be of most interest to self-employed individuals in other industries: career-specific skills, and classes in marketing, legal and financial issues. The panel felt that education was very important for the workers, their clientelle and ultimately society at large, and that professional success relies on the same criteria in any business.

They discussed the challenges of educating sex workers, and offered advice for how to best market ‘a sex worker school’ to sex workers, to many of whom the concept would be wholly unfamiliar. Questions regarding legality consituted a huge barrier to teaching some of the topics. Other issues of importance were attitudes such as lack of self esteem of some sex workers, or the feeling that the job was “temporary” so no education was desired. It was determined that it would be beneficial to build support for sex worker empowerment and self esteem into the course design, but not to make it too obvious when marketing the course. The panel also identified the traits of good sex worker educators.

This research resulted in the design of a three day course specifically created to meet the needs of sex workers as identified. Plans are presently being made to implement this comprehensive course for sex workers. The course is called Sex Worker Education and Training, or “The SWEAT”.

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Testimonianze di sex workers da Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Novembre 29th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Documenti | Tags: , , , , , , , | Commenti disabilitati su Testimonianze di sex workers da Occupy Wall Street

Protest rallies make me horny.
Annie Sprinkle

Da X:talk  alcune testimonianze di sex workers che hanno partecipato alle manifestazioni di Occupy Wall Street

As a sex worker, I joined Occupy Wall Street because the issues that impact both myself and my community are issues that are affecting other workers: lack of affordable housing, healthcare, education, and childcare. I come to stand in solidarity with communities of color, immigrants, Indigenous folks, and LGBTQ folks who have remain disproportionately impacted by a system that has failed to provide justice, decriminalization, destigmatization, and the practice of fundamental rights.
– Hannah, a sex worker for over a decade

We’re participating at OWS because sex work is real work,and all workers deserve living wages, affordable housing, and healthy communities. Sex workers are a part of OWS’s cross movement dialogues at working groups, marches and teach-ins, inorder to build mutual understanding and work for broadbased social change.
– M, an organizer and former sex worker

I hope that my presence at OWS and the sign that I carry  revealing myself as a sex  worker and a person affected by  the crimes committed on Wall  Street, open up people’s minds  to the possibility of including sex  workers in the process of the  people’s liberation.
– Andy, a male prostitute and organizer for sex worker rights

Occupations are at the heart of sexworkers’ rights movements. Think back to the Lyon occupation in France in the1970′s. Taking Times Square last Saturday was a full circle moment, given the history of sex work in Times Square,and the joined forces of corporate andpolitical interests that have displaced sex workers from not just Times Square butany public space. For sex workers, occupying public space is about economics as much as it is free speech.
– Melissa Gira Grant, writer and former sex worker

Via: Why are sex workers and their allies occupying Wall Street?

Grazie alla segnalazione di Marginalia vi propongo anche l’intervento (tradotto in Italiano da MFLA – martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche su Radio Onda Rossa) di Angela Davis a Occupy Philadelphia e l’analisi critica di Joel Olson di Bring The Ruckus sul problema razziale all’interno del movimento statunitense intitolato Il candore e il 99%.

Per ascoltare Angela Davis a Occupy Philadelphia clicca qui

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Foto: Vita Di Uno Zero