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Sputniko! – Menstruation Machine, Takashi’s Take

Posted: Luglio 13th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Spizzichi e bocconi | 3 Comments »

A new video by Sputniko! ( I’m a female artist and the machine is not for men either, it can also be worn by women in future when menstruation might become something obsolete – I’m not suggesting when or by whom this machine would be used – after much research with Reproductive Scientists (which I write in my website) I know that the psychologies which people associate with menstruation is too complex to make the reason for using such a device so simple – this music video is just one example of many possibilities.

Fitted with a blood dispensing mechanism and lower-abdomen-stimulating electrodes, the Menstruation Machine simulates the pain and bleeding of an average 5 day menstruation process of a human. Menstruation Machine (Takashi’s Take) is a music video about a boy ‘Takashi’, who builds the machine in an attempt to dress up as a female, biologically as well as aesthetically, to fulfill his desire to understand what it might feel like to be a truely kawaii (cute) girl. He determinedly wears the machine to hang out with his kawaii friend in Tokyo, but…

Project Credits:
Music and Lyrics by Sputniko!
Sound Production: DJ Codomo
Video Production: AUG5, Inc.
Director: Yasuhito Tsuge
Producer: Hidetaka Ino
Director of Photography: Takahiro Motonami
Stylist: Shoko Sei
Fashion: galaxxxy, MANIAC WORKS , chimaniamu, Emma Lundgren, Amakiru, Grace Du Prez, Anna Schwamborn,
Hair: Yuki Akagi
Make Up: Kanta Mukasa
Research Guidance: Prof. Jan Brosens, Imperial College London, Department of Medicine
Shoot Location Provided by: Bullet’s Nishiazabu

3 Comments on “Sputniko! – Menstruation Machine, Takashi’s Take”

  1. 1 andrea 403 said at 5:54 pm on Luglio 13th, 2010:


  2. 2 porno said at 3:48 pm on Luglio 14th, 2010:

    ogni tanto mi riprendo e torno a scrivere, o semplicemente trovo qualcosa di interessante da pubblicare 😀

    Son sempre qui, ci sarebbe anche una mezza idea di cambiare template e di coinvolgere nuove persone nello sviluppo del blog, se ci fosse qualche volontari* si faccia viv* tramite questa pagina…5/insultami-sgualdrina

  3. 3 RICCARDO said at 10:01 pm on Agosto 25th, 2010: