Il festival Seksualiti Merdeka (Libertà Sessuale) proibito dalla polizia in Malesia
Posted: Novembre 9th, 2011 | Author: porno | Filed under: Repressione | Tags: Ambiga Sreenevasan, Amnesty International, Khalid Abu Bakar, Libertà Sessuale, Malesia, ONU, Queeruption, Seksualiti Merdeka, Sungai Besi | 1 Comment »[singlepic id=11 w= h= float=center]
Ricevo tramite la mailing list di Queeruption il seguente appello proveniente da realtà queer e femministe malesi.
In Malesia, in seguito alle pressioni congiunte di organizzazioni islamiche, cristiane e buddiste, è stato proibito dalla polizia lo svolgimento dell’annuale festival Seksualiti Merdeka (Libertà Sessuale) che doveva svolgersi per il terzo anno consecutivo tra il 9 e il 13 novembre 2011.
Il festival è nato per celebrare i diritti umani delle persone di diverso orientamento sessuale e identità di genere ed è organizzato da organizzazioni non governative, artisti, attivisti e singole indivualità.
Al di là di ogni possibile valutazione sul festival (che non ho conosco e che ha finanziamenti da ONU, Amnesty International e altre simili associazioni che non mi sono mai state particolarmente simpatiche) siamo di fronte all’ennesima dimostrazione, se mai ce ne fosse bisogno, di come le istituzioni religiose riescano a mettersi d’accordo senza grossi problemi quando si tratta di esprimere la propria omofobia e sessuofobia.
Malaysian queer and feminist activists are appealing for solidarity asthe police threaten to shit down the annual ‘seksualiti merdeka’ festival (merdeka means freedom).
Movements for a diversity of sexualities and genders have been growing rapidly over the last few years in Malaysia, which is something quite subversive in a country that maintains social control through a moral agenda, imposing sharia law on half the population and so on.
If anyone is able to organise some kind of solidarity, maybe get together actions at embassies etc, before theevent starts on the 9th, people there would feel supported to defy the ban…
Police ban Seksualiti Merdeka festival Nigel Aw
5:01 PM Nov 3, 2011
Deputy inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar has declared ablanket ban on all events by the organisers of ‘Seksualiti Merdeka’.
Speaking at a press conference at Sungai Besi today, Khalid said thepolice will clamp down on the programme that was to run from Nov 9 to 13.
“The police is responsible to maintain public order. When there is athreat to public order, then we must take the appropriate action.”The directive comes from the police themselves, added Khalid.
Seksualiti Merdeka is an annual festival celebrating the human rights ofpeople of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity, organised by aloose coalition of NGOs, artistes, activists and individuals since 2008.
The festival’s programme, which includes forums, talks, workshops, booklaunches, an art exhibition and stage performances, was to be launchedby former Bar Council president Ambiga Sreenevasan.
It was held without any problems in previous years. This, Khalid (left) said, was in response to some 28 police reports thathave been lodged against Seksualiti Merdeka since yesterday, and hefurther noted that complaints have been made by several Islamic,Christian and Buddhist groups which have condemned the event and called for action against it.
He added that the matter is being investigated under Section 298A of thePenal Code and Section 27A(1)(C) of the Police Act.Section 298A of the Penal Code allows police to take action againstanyone who causes disharmony, disunity, feeling of enmity, hatred,ill-will or prejudice or for the maintenance of harmony or unity on thegrounds of religion.
Section 27A(1)(C) of the Police Act empowers police to act against anyactivity that takes place on private premises but is deemed prejudicialto the interest and security of Malaysia or that would excite adisturbance of the peace. These laws, Khalid said, would also be used in clamping down on anyevents that Seksualiti Merdeka decides to proceed with.
Police to question festival backers
Asked if police will question the organisers, he responded: “We willbegin calling them after this, all of them involved will be called (togive a statement). This will be done immediately because aninvestigation has begun.”Khalid also expressed puzzlement for the Bar Council’s backing of Seksualiti Merdeka, advising the body to instead give proper legaladvice to the organisers.
“This is what I don’t understand, the Bar Council should advise these NGOs to respect the country’s laws.
“We all know homosexuality is a crime and such events are as if it ispromoting and encouraging people to go against the law.” He warned members of the public, including Ambiga who is slated toofficiate the festival’s opening on Nov 9, not to participate in anyevents organised by Seksualiti Merdeka or face police action.
The warning, Khalid said, was a pre-emptive move to prevent any untowardincident occurring.
“This is just a warning… We don’t want anything bad to happen so weare taking early action to ban their activities… but if they insist onproceeding (with their events) then we will take further action.
“Defending the police’s position, Khalid said his force was not against human rights but he must act if these rights went against publicinterests and public order.”
Any events or activities that is related to Seksualiti Merdeka, we will stop them.”
Anything to do with the rights of lesbians and homosexuals is out (of the question), no way,” he declared.
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